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Protecting Consumer Data: The Importance of Car Dealerships Complying With the New FTC Rule

Imagine this scenario: you’re at a car dealership, excited to purchase your dream car. You hand over your personal information, including your Social Security number and financial details, feeling confident that it will be kept secure. However, just a few weeks later, you receive an alert from your bank about suspicious activity on your account. You quickly realize that a car dealership data breach compromised your personal information. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is trying to stop this nightmare scenario from happening with its new rule that requires car dealerships to improve their data security practices. This rule is called the FTC safeguards rule.

The importance of protecting consumer data in the automotive industry cannot be overstated. Data breaches can have severe consequences for both consumers and businesses. Consumers may suffer financial losses or identity theft due to a data breach, while companies may face legal action, damage to their reputation, and financial losses. Car dealerships must take steps to protect consumer data and comply with the new FTC rule. This may involve training employees on best data security practices, regularly updating software and systems, and using secure servers to store and transmit data.

The new FTC rule applies to all car dealerships, regardless of size or location. It is the responsibility of car dealerships to ensure that consumer data is secure and protected. Those that fail to comply with the rule may face fines and legal action. Car dealerships must take the new FTC rule seriously and implement appropriate measures to protect consumer data. By doing so, they can protect their customers and minimize the risk of a data breach.

What Are the Updates to the FTC Rules

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has updated its Safeguards Rule to require car dealerships to improve their data security practices. There are nine specific updates to the rule, designed to protect consumer data and promote good data security practices in the automotive industry.

Under the updated rule, car dealerships must designate a person who will oversee the dealership’s cybersecurity program and report to an overseeing board.

They are also responsible for assessing the security of their systems and those used by vendors and implementing safeguards for any identified risks.

This may include measures such as identity and access management; encryption, which can protect data in transit (while moving from one place to another); or multi-factor authentication.

Companies should not implement security measures in isolation; car dealerships must also test and monitor their effectiveness through continuous monitoring and vulnerability assessments.

They must also take the service providers they hire through security awareness training of employees and maintain adequate safeguards.

The updated rule also requires car dealerships to monitor their security program and adjust it if needed depending on the nature of the data they collect and store and the threat landscape.

They must also write how they will respond to a cyber incident and who is responsible for doing what.

Overall, the FTC’s Safeguards Rule updates represent a significant challenge for car dealerships, particularly those with limited in-house cybersecurity expertise.

Car dealerships need to take these updates seriously and implement appropriate measures to protect consumer data and minimize the risk of a data breach.

The Consequences of Non-compliance

The consequences of non-compliance with the new FTC rule requiring car dealerships to improve their data security practices can be severe. If a car dealership fails to comply with the rule, it may face fines of up to $50,000 per infraction and legal action. This can be a significant burden for a business, and the resulting negative publicity can damage the dealership’s reputation.

Also, car dealerships that experience a data breach and don’t follow the new FTC rule could lose money. Customers who have had their personal information compromised may be less likely to do business with the dealership in the future, leading to a decline in sales. Over 80% of those polled said they would not buy another car from a dealership if their personal information was compromised.

The dealership may also incur costs associated with remedying the data breach and any legal action taken.

Furthermore, a data breach can have severe consequences for consumers. They may suffer financial losses or identity theft due to compromised personal information. In the event of a data breach, it is vital for car dealerships to notify the FTC and affected consumers promptly. By failing to comply with the new FTC rule and adequately address a data breach, car dealerships risk not only financial losses and legal action but also the trust of their customers.

Car dealerships must take the FTC’s new rule on consumer data protection seriously and implement appropriate measures to ensure compliance. The consequences of non-compliance—including penalties, possible lawsuits, and decreased customer loyalty—can be severe. By complying with the rule and protecting consumer data, car dealerships can better protect themselves from potential breaches—and all that entails.

The Potential Consequences of a Data Breach

As the automotive industry continues to advance and adopt new technologies, the risks of data breaches and cyber attacks are also increasing.

As sales of self-driving vehicles skyrocket, with estimates of more than a million units by 2025 and snowballing in the following years, there will be an exponential increase in the potential for data breaches due to cyberattacks directed at these machines.

After implementing Industry 4.0 technologies, energy companies have already seen how cybersecurity risks have gone up something they wouldn’t have had visibility into previously. A quarter of these companies reported weekly DDoS attacks, and car manufacturers implementing similar systems will likely face similar risks.

The automotive industry faces an equally serious threat as the energy sector: ransomware. According to research by Cybersecurity Ventures—which posits that in 2021 there was a ransomware attack every 11 seconds, and the problem is only getting worse.

In addition, Helion Technologies lists ransomware as one of the primary threats to auto dealerships. Car dealerships are a prime target for hackers because they have access to a large amount of customer information.

These statistics highlight the importance of car dealerships taking steps to protect against data breaches and cyber-attacks.

A data breach can have severe consequences for both consumers and businesses, including:

  1. Financial losses: Consumers may suffer financial losses due to a data breach, such as unauthorized charges on their credit cards or bank accounts or fraudulent loans taken out in their name. Businesses may also incur financial losses, such as the costs of remedying the data breach and any legal action.
  2. Identity theft: A data breach may result in the theft of personal information, such as names, addresses, Social Security numbers, and financial details. Hackers can use this information to commit identity theft, which can have long-term consequences for the affected individuals.
  3. Legal action: Businesses that suffer a data breach may face legal action from affected consumers or regulatory bodies. This can result in high costs and damage to the business’s reputation.
  4. Damage to reputation: A data breach can damage a business’s reputation and result in a loss of trust from customers. This can lead to a decline in sales and long-term financial losses.

By investing in cybersecurity technology and training employees on data security best practices, car dealerships can minimize the risk of a data breach and the potential consequences.

As the automotive industry continues to advance and adopt new technologies, car dealerships must stay vigilant and proactively address the risks of data breaches and cyber-attacks.

Steps Car Dealerships Can Take To Comply With the New FTC Rule

Car dealerships can take several steps to comply with the new FTC rule requiring car dealerships to improve their data security practices. These measures may include:

  1. Implementing reasonable security measures: Car dealerships must implement appropriate measures to protect consumer information, such as passwords, Social Security numbers, and financial data. These measures may include using secure servers for storing and transmitting data, regularly updating software and systems, and using secure passwords.
  2. Training employees on data security best practices: Car dealerships need to educate their employees on best practices. This may include teaching them how to identify and prevent cyber threats, such as phishing attacks and malware, and how to handle and protect sensitive customer information.
  3. Investing in cybersecurity technology: Car dealerships may also choose to invest in cybersecurity technology, such as firewalls, antivirus software, and intrusion detection systems, to protect against data breaches and cyber-attacks. This technology can help identify and prevent threats before they cause harm.

In addition to implementing the above security measures, car dealerships may also want to consider working with a cybersecurity provider or consulting with an expert to ensure that they are taking all necessary steps to comply with the new FTC rule.

By taking these steps, businesses can protect their customers and avoid the potential consequences of a data breach.


As the automotive industry continues to advance and adopt new technologies, car dealerships will have an increasing need to take steps to protect the sensitive data they are collecting and storing.

A data breach can devastate a business, not only because of the cost of repairing the damage but also because it can lead to fines and other penalties.

Car dealerships need to follow the new FTC rules to improve their data security practices, protect consumer data and promote good data security practices in the automotive industry. The FTC rule is an excellent first step toward improving data security practices in the automotive industry.

If your car dealership needs IT support, security, or managed services, consider partnering with QIT solutions.

At QIT solutions, we offer a range of services designed to help car dealerships protect their customer data and minimize the risk of a data breach. With our expertise and advanced technology, QIT solutions can help your dealership comply with the new FTC rule and ensure that your data security practices are up to par.

Contact us today to learn more about our solutions and services. Don’t take the risk of a data breach lightly—take the necessary steps to protect your customers and your business with the help of QIT solutions.

QIT Solutions

QIT Solutions set out to solve what was then a major problem for small businesses: having difficulty keeping up with their IT needs. We noticed that large corporations often had multiple employees specializing in different aspects of the industry and realized this approach would work well also among smaller organizations who might not be able to sustain such teams, but still require help managing an oversized workload. We provide a single resource for all your IT issues.